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    1. Hey Ricardo, apologies for the late reply. Been crazy busy lately. How much water? Because we make the jam and juice from the same batch, I put maybe 1 gallon of water or 1.5. Not sure I never measure. I just fill up that big pot halfway. It really just depends on how concentrated you want it. If you put too much water you can just boil it down more.

  1. 5 stars
    Thanks so much! I have been looking extensively for a recipe using the fresh calyxes! I am going to be making this in my garden based science class. We grew a lot of it and it has made tons of flowers.

  2. RECIPES for several tea

    10 cups of water to 4 ounces of the calyxes.

    Another recipe:
    Add about 1 inch piece of fresh ginger, and boil with (same as above) 15 min, turn off (This is where to add sugar or sweetener of your choice), and let set to cool.

    Then in your container add 1 squeezed lemon, OR (1 squeezed lime.)
    Add the cooled tea on top of the citrus , shake and enjoy.

    For it to make a lemon zinger, also add the lemon zest of 1 lemon to pot when you are boiling ginger, red Roselle leaves. Then after it cools pour over fresh squeezed lemon. (This is delicious, and refreshing).

    1. Thank you Karen! This does sound very delicious and refreshing! We make the ginger tea like that but have never added the lemon zest to the pot. We have endless limes from the tree, but all lemons are imported around here, so I will give this a try with our limes. Thanks for the comment

  3. So here’s something interesting: I can get roselles from my local farmer at the market, and they gave a tea recipe that did not involve removing the seeds. When I read your blog, I assumed the farmer must have deseeded first, but no. I’ve made delicious tea from them before, and the seeds didn’t seem to hurt the end result. What are the advantages of removing the seeds? Thank you so much!!

    1. Hey Sherrie, late reply eh!? Just saw this. For me, I don’t use sugar and so I like the flavor of the pure flowers boiled. I have not tried the other way. I’d imagine it’s a slightly different flavor? Maybe even better? I should try. However, we do make jam out of it. I know seeds contain lectins. Pressure cooking removes lectins, but does boiling remove them too? That’s the only thing I’d have to look into. The jam we make every time at the same time and it is perfect without the seeds. I think for the jam, I wouldn’t leave the seeds in. But for the tea, that would be a time saver! I will have to try this. Thanks for letting us know!

  4. Please stop calling the red fleshy part the flower. The flower bloomed and dropped off before the seedpods formed and the calyxes enlarged. Some recipes I’ve read say to boil the seedpods in water to get the pectin from them, then use the water to boil the caylyxes for jam. It worked for me.

    1. Hi Jill, Yesterday we harvested this year’s batch. Some did have flowers bloom and fall off last week and prior, however most seemed to have not. Regardless I will have to use the proper terminology and say calyx every time. Thanks for the correction. And thanks for the info about boiling seedpods for pectins. That’s good to know for those who do want the pectins.

  5. Thanks for the instructions! I had a question – can these be steeped instead of boiled? Is it dangerous if it’s not boiled?

    1. Hi Nancy, thanks for the comment and question. I will try a steep soon. To make a quick tea it may be perfectly fine to just steep, but I’m thinking it wouldn’t be as strong of a flavor, especially if you’re making the “juice”. It seems these really need some hot water to extract their flavors, but it’s worth a try. I will try. I highly doubt it’s dangerous if not boiled. I am not sure, and haven’t looked into it, but I would think it’s perfectly safe.

  6. Hi Nancy, its not dangerous. You can actually eat it as is including the seed pod right from the garden!

  7. Hi John, I just read your article. I am from Jamaica where “sorrel” is an absolute necessity for Christmas. But, we do drink it year round. However, we never actively boil the sorrel . . . it is not necessary, and that may be the reason that you have some bitter taste to your drink. Whether fresh or dried, cold water is added to the sorrel along with crushed ginger, it is heated only until it reaches the boiling stage and then the sorrel/water/ginger mixture is removed from the heat and allowed to steep overnight. It is then strained and sweetened, with a little sweet red wine (or in the Caribbean, a little rum) added. This lasts for a very long time in the refrigerator. I think actively boiling the sorrel for some length of time may actually destroy some of the healthy compounds in the sorrel.

    1. This is amazing. I concur the boil likely destroys some of the nutrients. It’s something I’d like to know for sure though. This is very great to know thank you a ton for sharing. I have a feeling I’m going to start doing it your way. Maybe we’ll do an alcoholic version as well as normal one. Will update you afterwards. Thanks again.

  8. Hi, John. I forgot to add to my previous comment that when I wish to have a hot cup of sorrel juice, I just pour some from the refrigerated juice and heat in the microwave. I grew 24 sorrel plants this year in Houston and I have so far frozen 12 gallon bags of the calices, with a lot more waiting for harvest. I have kept the calices frozen for two months with no freezer damage whatsoever, and there is no difference in quality when it is used to make juice. We also store half-gallon freezer-safe plastic bottles of juice in the freezer so we continue to have sorrel juice for several months into the following year.

  9. My farm recipe said 1/2 liter (2 cups, 2 tbls) water to 1/2 lb petals. That doesn’t seem like enough water. That’s why I found this recipe and you don’t say how much water to use. That is not helpful at all. Thanks!

    1. Haha well that’s no good. We’re horrible with measurements because Ling does everything by eyeing it out. We’ve been getting better, but need to update older recipes. I hope you found the information you need by now, but I’ll update this post soon with more precise ingredient measurements.

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