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5 Health Benefits Of Indoor Plants (EMF Blocking, Air Purification, More)
Here are 5 great health benefits of indoor plants that range from cleaning the air you breathe to instant interior design upgrades that soothe the mind. Indoor houseplants are wonderful to have in your home or office for health reasons and more.
Within this blog post, I share a bit about each of these 5 health benefits of indoor plants.
If you were thinking houseplants were merely for their pretty flowers, look at this list of health benefits indoor house plants provide:
- Lower blood pressure (systolic)
- Improve reaction times
- Increase attentiveness
- Improve attendance (at work and school)
- Raise productivity (at work)
- Improve well-being
- Improve perceptions of the space
- Lower levels of anxiety during recovery from surgery
- Raise job satisfaction
Based on several experimental studies, the presence of potted plants has been found to be helpful in many different settings including work, school, and hospitals.
This list of health benefits houseplants provide and the quote are both from a Psychology Today article on the subject.
Indoor plants truly have powerful brain-boosting, sleep-inducing health benefits.
Here’s more information on these health benefits received from indoor plants.
5 Incredible Health Benefits Of Indoor Plants

There are more than just these give, but to make this post more useful, I’ve narrowed it down to five benefits.
The EMF blocking capabilities is one of the very best ones in today’s world awaiting the implementation of 5G. It helps block all spectrums of electromagnetic radiation, especially the millimeter wavelengths.
For this reason, you should consider benefit #3 of this list as the most convincing one to get plants into your living area A.S.A.P.
Here are the top 5 health benefits of using indoor houseplants.
1. More Oxygen: Sleep Better. Work Better.
The Benefit: Plants provide you more oxygen.
Sleep Better:
This can help you sleep deeper and work better.
The more oxygen your bedroom has the better you will sleep. One of the highest oxygen producers is the snake plant (sansevieria trifasciata).
Some call it “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue” and in Thailand it is translated to “Dragon’s Tongue.”
It’s a member of the lily family that does great in low light or in full light. You can beat this plant up and it will thank you for it. You can dehydrate it and step on it, and it will keep on growing. Maybe don’t let it go without water for too long, but what I’m trying to say is that it’s super easy to grow wherever you have it.
Oxygen Plant?
These 9 indoor plants below provide a good amount of oxygen to help you have better sleep:
- Jasmine
- Lavender
- Valerian
- Gardenia
- Aloe Vera
- Soider Plant
- Gerba Daisy
- English Ivy
- Peace Lilly
Learn more about the top oxygen plants for your home in this article from Lung Institute.
Work Better:
The presence alone of indoor house plants will help you work better.
This article from The Guardian is titled, “Plants in offices increase happiness and productivity”. The article shares a study done by Dr. Chris Knight from Exeter University that claimed that employees were 15% more productive when their workspace was “lean”, with just a few plants. Lean refers to a minimalist workplace with nothing around to view or distract. The plants brought into the office were the non-lean factor used to gauge performance difference in a Netherlands call center. 100% lean was outperformed by the oxygen plant setup that not only provided the workers more oxygen to breathe, but brain stimulation that sparked better productivity and execution.
The study showed that people were less productive with nothing around to engage their minds. But when they brought houseplants into their minimalist office, performance soared. Memory retention improved and other “basic tests” improved as well.
Here’s a quote from Dr. Knight from that study:
What was important was that everybody could see a plant from their desk. If you are working in an environment where there’s something to get you psychologically engaged you are happier and you work better,
The Guardian article on a “Working With Plants” Study
2. Live Longer & Healthier
Another key benefit of indoor plants. Not only do they provide oxygen, but indoor plants also improve indoor air quality. House plants remove particulates from the air and detoxify the air you breathe at home. Some even remove excessive mold spores from the air.
Air filtering plants are similar to the oxygen plants. They clean your air from smoke particles (great if you live near a freeway) and absorb harmful substances from the air such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.
The Ivy houseplant is probably in the top 3 best small indoor plants. Ivy (Hedera Helix) was shown to remove up to 60% of the toxins from the air within six hours of being introduced to the indoor environment.
Peace Lilly was another of the best plants that clean the air. Peace Lillies (Spathiphyllum or Mauna Loa) excelled at removing both formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

For more details on individual plants that are the best indoor plants for home placements, check out our blog post titled, 8 Effective Air Purifying Plants. This post goes more in depth on the results from the NASA study on air filtering plants.
3. Plants Block EMF – Stay Safe In Today’s 5G World
This is the most important benefit of indoor plants on this list. You can have a bedroom full of oxygen without plants, but with EMF bombarding you, you won’t sleep right. So while plants provide you oxygen, an even more powerful benefit is their EMF blocking capabilities.
The larger the plant, the better the blocking. Philodendrons are perfect for EMF blocking. Snake plants are perfect as well.
Wifi and EMF open up your blood brain barrier (BBB) and open up the dangerous possibility of heavy metals creeping in. To learn more about how plants help block wifi, check out our blog post 14 Indoor Air Pollution Tips.
4. Natural Antidepressant Benefits Of Indoor Plants
Plants for depression? Yes. Modern indoor plants are for us modern people because today we spend most of our lives indoors. Whether that’s the way we’d prefer it or not is outside of the question because that’s what society has pointed us to. We have jobs that force us to stay inside, under LED lighting, starting in the morning and through the entire day. What that means is less natural sunlight, especially in the essential morning-sun hours, and less time outside. This has detrimental effects on our mind and physiology.
Because of this major change of spending the majority of our lives in the outdoors to spending over 85% of our daily lives now indoors, combined with a false need of “keeping up with the Jones'”, we now have more stress overall. This is where the benefits of indoor plants kick in.
Various studies conducted since the 1980’s have shown that indoor plants work as natural antidepressants. Here’s one: In this randomized study, they concluded that interacting with indoor plants can reduce psychological and physiological stress by suppressing autonomic nervous system activity..
Our results suggest that active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work. This is accomplished through suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure and promotion of comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings.
Journal Of Physiological Anthropology
Feel happy the natural way by using indoor plants.
5. Interior Design Benefits Of Indoor Plants
Yes. You can make any home, office or garage look like a million bucks with the right use of indoor plants. This last benefit of indoor plants is not exactly a health benefit, but you can argue that it is as well.
If you feel good by your environment, then you are less stressed. If you are less stressed you live longer. That’s my caveman logic on this one. Stress is just as bad as EMF or McDonald’s in my book, so I will consider this final benefit of houseplants a definite health benefit as well.
There are entire professions dedicated to interior design with plants and I have no idea what’s considered the best tactics for it. Because of this, I will share a very informative video on the subject.
Here’s that video that shares design ideas for your home and your plants:
For my situation, I simply place a plant here and there, and it’s an instant upgrade looks wise. But really, plants make anyone able to have a natural interior design touch. When it comes to house plants, chances are whatever you do with plants at home or work, you will like it.
Conclusion: Why You Need More Plants In Your Home & Business
In this post we went over 5 of the best benefits there are for using house plants. These clearly show why it’s good idea to start using more indoor plants at home and work.
- Better sleep. Better work. (oxygen)
- Better overall health (purifies the air – removes impurities)
- Blocks EMF
- Feel better mentally
- Upgrade interior design
In the future we will share information about how to take care of indoor house plants. For the most part, house plants are easy growers.
But if you don’t have a green thumb, or you tend to overwater or under water, a review or scan through the basics of caring for your indoor plants would be very helpful.
What about you?
Do you use indoor plants for the health benefits?
Did you know that house plants help block EMF?
Or do you have any special tricks or tactics when it comes to your indoor plants?
Thanks for coming by the blog!
UP NEXT: 5 Vital Earthing Benefits You And Your Family Need