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5 Powerful Ways Earthing Benefits Our Health
Earthing Benefits? What is Earthing? Is it the same thing as grounding?
Sounds a bit woo woo, but earthing is vital for our health going forward in this increasingly electromagnetic world we’re living in. Among its various health benefits, “earthing” can help guard you against the negative effects of electromagnetic frequencies, or EMF.
This article shares tips on how to safeguard yourself and also tips on how to ground your home so you and your family can attain as many earthing benefits as possible.

Benefits of Earthing
We have another article that shares products & techniques to help safeguard against EMF.
There are over 20 studies sharing evidence of major physiological improvements for our bodies when we’re grounded, vs. being un-grounded.
This link here takes you to an informative earthing study from the US National Library of Medicine called,
Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons.
– Science Direct
It delves into the health benefits from grounding, from sleep quality to stress to pain reduction to blood benefits and more.
More from Science Direct on earthing:
- Earthing (grounding) connects people to the Earth’s natural healing energy.
- Reduces inflammation, pain, and stress; improves blood flow, sleep, and vitality.
- A simple, profound lifestyle addition, requiring no effort or dieting.
- An overlooked factor in health and healing.
- Should be recommended by health professionals to patients.
5 Ways Earthing Benefits Our Health
1. Improves Our Bioelectrical Connection To The Earth

Earthing is a bit like tuning a guitar.
It helps our bodies get back in tune.
Sleep is what charges us, but earthing is just as important.
Not being grounded means your body has to compensate somewhere else.
The body actually creates its own version of grounding internally if you don’t do it yourself. Usually within your bones.
What this means is it steals electrons from your bones to ground yourself when you don’t ground yourself by earthing.
This is why earthing benefits those with osteoporosis.
This is not woo woo New Age stuff I’m talking about. It’s a fact that the Earth has a frequency (AC powered) and being connected to the Earth’s frequency in an ever increasing technological world is important.
The Earth is a battery that gets powered by the sun’s energy.
The Earth is a rechargeable battery and the sun is its power source to recharge.
The sun replenishes the electrons of the Earth.
Just like the Earth, we also need to recharge with the sun and the Earth’s frequencies.
Earth’s surface is the negative side of the battery while the ionosphere 50 or 60 miles up is the positive charge. The sun’s rays ionize the gas up there to turn it positive. This is how the Earth is a battery.
2. Supports Our Immune System
EMF Pollution Is A New Type Of Invisible Pollution

Here’s a quote from Gaetan Chevalier, PhD whom I heard speak at this years EMF Health Summit.
After a certain time something breaks, and one system that REALLY needs the ground to differentiate what is self vs non self – is the immune system. Because of this lack of firm potential difference, the immune system starts to lose the information that it needs to determine what is self and non self so then you get autoimmune diseases.
Just because cell phone manufacturers tell you that non-ionized radiation is safe, it doesn’t mean that it is true.
When it comes to dangers from EMF, we must remember that we’re electrical beings, and that EMF effects us. From the blue lit screen to the wifi always running invisibly through your home, today’s smart devices are dangerous because they keep you exposed to EMF around the clock.
We cowboy this technology out without proper research to test its long term effects on us humans. Learning how to protect yourself and your family from EMF is a good idea. There are plenty of ways to shield and avoid the high levels, especially where you lay your head down at night.
If you know about mitochondria, then you know they are basically little battery packs within each of our cells. These are what power our bodies and help keep us healthy. When you take care of your mitochondria, you feel good. When you damage them, you don’t. EMF damages mitochondria.
Shielding EMF
5g is right around the corner. And even right now, 4g cell towers are everywhere. You can’t really escape the rays in medium to larger sized cities.
In our ever-increasing technological world that’s powered by connectivity and the internet of things, it’s more important than ever before to find strategies to shield and protect yourself from EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). The damage they can inflict, especially to infants and children, needs to be watched out for.
Cell towers are put up in schools, on top of churches, on apartment buildings and more. And because they refuse to look at the proof of the danger, public school with these up, for example, are no longer there for our best interest.
Electromagnetic frequencies have been used for decades by the military as weapons. This fact alone makes any “EMFs Aren’t Dangerous” arguments pretty weak.
The negative effects are accumulative, so we have to take action to protect ourselves, families and loved ones. The world is pushing out this technology as if it’s benign and nothing to worry about. But taking precaution for these unknown dangers seems to be the best way to go about it.
Earthing For EMF Protection

Earthing is one thing we can do to protect ourselves from EMF.
How does it help?
EMF radiation is positively charged.
The way to combat that is to take in more negative ions.
The solution is earthing and grounding our bodies.
This loads you up on nature’s free gift of health… negative ions. These make you feel calm, relaxed, de-stressed and because ions enter your bloodstream, you sleep better at night and feel better during the day from increased serotonin levels.
The benefits from that I would think are what’s needed to counter some of the EMF damage.
Earthing helps you improve inflammation related disorders. This benefit alone is worth Earthing. But the benefits go on. Earthing helps you sleep better and feel happier. Earthing benefits your health when it comes to dirty electricity at home too. Another amazing benefit is its ability to fend off negative effects of EMF.
3. Major Stress Relief From Earthing

You probably already know that chronic stress kills.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls many of our body’s functions, from cardiovascular to gastrointestinal. These are manned by our sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the ANS.
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) helps your body heal. It helps you digest food. It helps you feel calm and relaxed no matter the circumstance when in full working condition.
Now right here I can insert the number of people in the US alone who are on prescription Xanax or similar anti anxiety meds. This is a symptom of the PNS being off. But why is it so off? Is it because we don’t know about grounding? Grounding can be a major help for those looking to get off their anxiety meds.
In contrast to the PNS, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) is your fight-or-flight mode.
When the PNS is dominant, you feel good. Life is easy.
When the SNS is dominant, you’re the opposite.
So when the SNS takes control for too long from things like constant stress, no matter the form of stress, you suffer ill effects like increased heart rate and blood pressure.
4. Earthing Benefits The Heart (Increases HRV)

Cortisol is one of the main measures of chronic stress.
And so is Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
HRV can be used to detect imbalances in your nervous system.
Those with low HRV are said to not handle stressful situations easily.
This quote by Dr. Stephen Sinatra shares how earthing benefits our hearts by increasing HRV.
“With its balancing effect on the ANS, grounding is a natural means of increasing HRV and promoting heart health.”
Dr. Sinatra
5. Helps Reduce Body Inflammation

One of the best earthing benefits of all is this reduction in inflammation.
Inflammation is a factor for many of today’s autoimmune diseases. Alzheimers Disease is even connected to it. Same with autism. There is a long list. Many diseases and health problems can be tied to inflammation. It’s said to be a “silent killer.”
The healing process for wounds and physical injuries are tied in with inflammation as well.
In a Journal Of Inflammation Research Study heftily titled, “The Effects Of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation (the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases)“, they concluded:
Accumulating experiences and research on earthing, or grounding, point to the emergence of a simple, natural, and accessible health strategy against chronic inflammation, warranting the serious attention of clinicians and researchers. The living matrix (or ground regulation or tissue tensegrity-matrix system), the very fabric of the body, appears to serve as one of our primary antioxidant defense systems. As this report explains, it is a system requiring occasional recharging by conductive contact with the Earth’s surface – the “battery” for all planetary life – to be optimally effective.
– The NIH.gov study
In this society people have a lot of problems, seems medical science have recognized that many of the old age diseases are related to inflammation.
The study above shares how inflammation is linked to the following disorders and diseases and how grounding may help them greatly:
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Chronic Obstructory Pulmonary Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Asthma,
- Alzheimer’s
- Bowel Disorders
- Liver cirrhosis
- meningitis
- psoriasis
- Arthritis
- cardiovascular problems
- autoimmune disease
- Blood viscosity (zeta potential)
- Anti-aging
Here’s another informative video that shares clear cut information on Earthing benefits from Dr. Stephen Sinatra:
If you suffer from a condition like MS, earthing and grounding can help. However, unlike normal folk where an hour a day is sufficient, those suffering from chronic illness such as MS need to do more grounding (they say as much 12 to 16 hours per day).
Are You Earthing Everyday?
If you’ve been on your phone and laptop a lot lately without taking breaks outside in nature, you will feel instant benefits from getting your feet to the ground on the grass or moist dirt/sand.
They recommend to do it barefoot in the grass everyday.
You can hug a tree!

If you don’t care what people think about you in public places, you can hug a tree.
A nonchalant way would be to just rest on it with your hands or arm touching it.
If anything, getting outside in fresh air and natural sunlight should help until you can kick off your shoes (or hug a tree).
You May Also Like: In this earthing-related post we share 10 electrical grounding techniques you can use at home and on yourself anywhere you go.
Thanks for coming by our Sprouting Fam Blog!

Do you protect yourself at all from your WiFi and smart devices?
Have you already been earthing and grounding without knowing how great it is for you?
Did you know standing on wet or moistened earth ground is best?
Earthing benefits are no longer an option in today’s disconnected-to-Earth world. Gone are the pre-rubber soled shoe days where many of us still kept that connection to the Earth with shoes on. Mass produced rubber soles erased this connection.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Sprouting Fam does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Sprouting Fam are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.
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Great post John. Not enough people are aware of the benefits of Earthing. Everything from rubber soled shoes, flooring and carpets all block our ability to Earth. I’m looking forward to more new research over the coming years. It’ll be exciting to see what we find.
Hey Jack, thanks! Yeah, I find the fact that it all started within the last century and before all that time, worldwide people were more grounded. I think we’re seeing the effects of the lack of it now. That would be great to see more research on this.