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10 Earthing And Grounding Products & Techniques That Work
Earthing and grounding are more important than ever before. Our ever-increasing (and surveilled) IoT world, coupled with our need to mess with the Earth’s ionosphere, has lead to an increased amount of dirty electricity and frequencies in the air. It has also increased the need to be well-grounded throughout day-to-day life.
This article shares electrical grounding products and techniques.
Go straight to the earthing and grounding products list.
We receive free electrons from the environment. Free electrons are a part of the Earth’s natural electric field. Earth’s surface contains an ample amount of them. Direct contact with the earth is what allows the body to absorb the free electrons and negative ions.
We absorb when we’re connected to the Earth in some shape, way or form. From water to land. Running shoes keep you disconnected. However, your dog’s metal leash and collar combo is enough to supply you by simply walking him. Or if he’s unleashed, each time you give him some love, he’ll transfer you some.
Earthing and grounding are transformational in ways we don’t even fully comprehend yet. The benefits don’t come from self-actualizing yourself as a tree or anything either. “Grounding” is done by simply standing barefoot on damp earth.
Stuck indoors?
Can’t get those shoes off?
If you’re in situations where it’s not easy to get grounded, there’s good news!
There are effective grounding products and techniques that you can choose from to get your daily free electron needs satisfied with ease.
Earthing And Grounding, What’s The Difference?
Technically, when referring to anything that’s not a human being, like appliances or your home, it’s “grounding.”
And then “earthing” is applied to us, man.
Earthing and grounding are basically the same thing. The two terms are often used interchangeably.
“Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.”
NIH Study on Earthing (Grounding)
Both Dirty Electricity and Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMF) are bad for our health.
The following video provides information on dirty electricity (poor power quality) and grounding, informing as to why it’s necessary to ground yourself and your home.
It thoroughly answers the following two questions:
- What is dirty electricity?
- Does the radiation from dirty electricity flow through the air or is it restricted in the wires?
Why Grounding Is So Important Today
Have you ever shocked someone with a kiss (an actual “shock” feeling, not an emotional shock…)?
Or zapped someone with a touch? Or felt it on a door knob?
These zaps come from the buildup of static electricity in your body.
The more buildup, the more painful the zap.
We can handle up to around 30k volts in our bodies, so that’s a few 9 volt batteries worth of zap. That can be quite painful!
These static electricity zaps should serve as reminders to you that you need to ground yourself.
Because we’re electrical.
We Are Bioelectrical Beings

It’s how we were created. Because we are bioelectrical, and because we all wear rubber sole shoes now, and work indoors all day…
…it’s more important than ever before in our history of mankind to ground ourselves in order to function how we’re designed to, mind and body.
It used to be so simple. You go out barefoot and you’re grounded. Today, the society we live in makes this not nearly as simple.
Back in the day, if you think about it, all humans on Earth were connected to each other concurrently. We were mostly all literally connected at the same time. Until recent history, rubber-soled shoes were not even put into existence yet. None that were known about. It wasn’t until the 19th century that rubber-soled shoes came along (Charles Goodyear’s vulcanization process was developed in 1839).
So up until this point, we were not yet so separate and disconnected from the Earth’s frequencies in our average day-to-day lives. We were all connected to each other and to the Earth. There’s something that seems right about that, no?
Your feet ABSORB energy from the Earth. Feet serve as little negative ion sponges that then flow the energy through your electric self. The benefits are instant. And if you do it everyday, the benefits are instant and long term.
Simply put, you’ll live longer.
Today, we live in high rises, apartments, and spend days, weeks and months at a time in rubber sole shoes and tiled or wooden floors that do not conduct the Earth’s frequencies through us.
Our modern world has created a high presence of both dirty electricity and electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), often times spilling out of the same devices (computers, smart appliances, electric vehicles). While the two are completely different things to be concerned about, safeguards against one can help with the other.
And many actually don’t remember the last time they were barefoot on grass. Not only this, we’re spending our days and nights soaking in EMF. The lack of grounding and sun is bad enough. Add EMF to it, and it becomes a dangerous way of living.
Thus, we are sick. Many get cancer and diabetes. Many are inflamed, and autoimmune diseases of all sorts are not slowing down.
Dirty electricity has been an issue for decades. EMF is the new issue added onto it. All it takes are some simple proactive measures to make sure you’re safe from them both.
The following 10 grounding products and methods listed in this article will help you you protect yourself and your family against them.
Your home should be grounded and you should be earthing yourself a bit each day. Leaving yourself ungrounding for extended periods of time leaves you exposed and vulnerable to dirty electricity. Grounding helps protect against dirty electricity by keeping you ready and able to fend off its ill effects.
Grounding is not pseudo science
There’s evidence to back electrical grounding and earthing’s health benefits. For example, take this quote from Dr. Stephen Sinatra.
When we attune to the earth’s electric potential, we soak up negatively-charged electrons that neutralize free radicals in our bodies. Many of Earthing’s reported benefits, such as chronic pain relief and faster wound recovery, may simply result from reduction of free radical activity and inflammation, which frees up the immune system to perform other reparations.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra
10 Effective Earthing And Grounding Products
Do you know that your home is grounded properly?
Electrical grounding protects you from electrical surges. Grounding refers to the damping of electrical currents throughout your home.
The following are all effective grounding products available on the market right now for convenient at-home or on-the-job earthing.
I’ll start with one of the original grounding methods, the ground rod. It’s a tried and true practice to ground yourself when you’re above the first floor of any building.
While earthing and grounding by being outside barefoot or ocean swimming is best, it’s not always easy and sometimes impossible to do daily. Products help you get grounded easier. These help you attain the earthing health benefits while working on a way to get these more naturally and without products.
1. The Ground Rod Method
If you’re up in an apartment that’s not on the first floor, you can stick a rod in the ground outside somewhere and then bring that up in through a window or a hole you drill in the wall.
Use an alligator clip and then clip it to a sock or wristband to ground yourself while working on your computer or just when you’re sitting or even sleeping.
The rod should be 2/3’s in the ground at least, and if the ground is very dry, you may need to water it every few days to make sure you have conductivity.
Moisture is necessary for proper earthing.
There are fully ready “earthing systems” too that you can buy that include a ground route wire attached to a rod.
Like this one:
- Use this rod when grounding off-air antennas and satellite dishes for optimum protection and performance
- Includes preinstalled ground clamp for ease of installation
- Copper clad material for optimum lightning dissipation
- Includes (1) 3/8in diameter x 4ft long Ground Rod
- Essential safety measure for lightning strikes
Ideally you need to have an electrician check the volts. The institution for electrical engineers has a regulation that 10 volts is acceptable. But 1 to 2 volts is very safe and ideal. The Earth is AC power, so the volts aren’t completely translatable to a battery’s DC power.
2. Electrical outlet grounding
You can use a “ground outlet.” Before you use a grounding outlet, make sure with an electrician that your place is properly grounded. If not, the voltage could backfire. The whole object of doing this is worth reminding. Grounding like this ensures you’re soaking in proper electrons for healing, combatting EMF, and lessening dirty electricity.
The downside to these is that many claim they don’t even work. But then others say they do. I think it depends on the brand, and on Amazon I cannot find any worth buying.
3. Ground your vehicle
If you attach a grounding device wire to any metal area inside your car like under your seat and then this can help you fend off fatigue if you suffer from getting tired while driving in the day or night.
4. Ground with cold water pipe or valve under the sink
You can tie a wire around the copper pipe for your cold water under the sink. And if you don’t have a copper pipe below your sink, you should have a metal valve at least. These work as well.
It won’t work if your pipe and valve are both plastic.
5. Grounding products: mats and pillow sheets
Earthing sheets are wonderful. They let you ground all through the night.
If you do this, that means you don’t have to worry about making sure to get grounding every day.
You simply sleep grounded!
Here’s a well-reviewed grounding pillow sheet:
And two great-priced grounding mats that have a good number of positive reviews:
6. EMF shielding
Air Purifying Indoor Plants are perfect because they clean your air and some have very big leaves, like philodendrons, and they help block EMFs from within your home or from the neighbors.
Check out this philodendron leaf that was almost as big as my one-eyed dog, Milli’s, face.
7. Going barefoot – direct contact with Earth’s surface
A morning walk on grass with fresh dew is excellent for grounding because wet conductive materials like moist grass or soil conduct electricity even better when wet. In terms of earthing benefits, the free electrons more easily move around from the surface to our bodies, when the surface is moistened.
It is said that in areas such as the Arizona desert, you don’t get the same health benefits from free electron absorption due to the extremely dry climate.
While walking with shoes on through a garden full of aromatic flowers, or taking in the scents of your indoor garden’s herbs that smell good can provide you a small amount of free electrons, it’s the direct skin-to-earth contact that supplies you with the electrons and ions we seek.
Moist cement can provide a minimal amount.
However, asphalt is made of petroleum and it will isolate you.
It will not ground you. Asphalt, wood, rubber and plastic are all non-conductive materials, making them bad for grounding. Their physical qualities don’t let the free electrons flow through them.
They say going barefoot for an hour after a long flight can get rid of any potential jet lag.
Regardless of your climate, just go barefoot everyday. The morning time is best because you set your circadian rhythm when getting the day’s first sun rays into your eyes. Many researchers are now discovering the benefits to this.
Neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse constantly shares revelatory information concerning light and negative ions from grounding. His convincing information proves how essential morning light and grounding are for you.
8. Leather sole shoes (Earth Runners, moccasins)
Earth Runners make some of the best “earthing shoes”.
There are many other grounding shoes too.
Here are a popular pair of women’s moccasins that my wife refuses to wear for some reason. I still think it was an excellent gift!
- TIMELESS STYLE: Minnetonka boasts a rich heritage…
- COZY SHOE FIT: The classic fringe softsole boots…
- CONVENIENT SIZING: Each pair of suede fringe boots…
- VERSATILE STYLE: It features our iconic fringe…
Minnetonka’s are hand-crafted from deerskin and moose hide. They’re a premium leather sole shoe that truly keep you connected to the Earth’s negative ions (and history..).
I can recommend Minnetonka if you’re looking for grounding shoes. They’re not a cheap knock-off. These will last and will help ground your body through your busy day-to-day life. They have both men’s and women’s moccasins in various styles.
Any shoe with LEATHER soles is what you need.
Brand names don’t matter. Earth Runners and Minnetonka’s are great though.
9. Earthing patch
If you have pain somewhere from joint inflammation, try a grounding patch there.
The concept behind them is to get relief in a problem area from the patch because electrons travel to that location first, hence helping to heal that targeted area. They’re on Amazon and elsewhere online. I just learned about these, so I don’t want to link to any products as I haven’t really used them or fully vetted the effectiveness!
But many seem to vouch for the earthing patch’s effectiveness. I’ll update this post next time I injure myself and get to try it. So hopefully I’ll never update this post! God willing. We’ll see.
10. More earthing mat products
You can sit at your computer with your feet on an earthing mat, or even place the laptop itself on a laptop grounding mat to counter the effects of EMF and dirty electricity.
An earthing mat is more convenient than clipping a wire connected to the ground rod outside. But you can do that too. Or you can use a grounding mouse pad too. You have many grounding options out there.
In comparison, with grounding or earthing mats, the advantage of sleeping grounded is you don’t need as much to feel fully recharged.
Ocean Water (Salt Water) Is The Best Way To Earth Yourself
Getting naked in the ocean is the very best way to earth your body and soak up healthy negatives ions like a human sponge.
It’s the method that feels the best too! Wearing a swimsuit is just as good, so no need to scare or excite people around you if not necessary…!
The Dead Sea is on the top of my bucket list and an ideal source of negative ions with all that salt… ocean water is conductive from the salts.
Ocean water is negatively charged.
It provides an ample amount of negative ions.
Even beachside air provides an ample amount of negatively charged ions.
Normal air is usually positively charged. But beach air is literally healing air. This is not foofy-woo-woo stuff. It’s real. Walking the coastline just got even better.
Why do you think surfers are such nice, happy people?
They’re grounded, they’re enriched with vitamin D, and they’re also fit. It almost doesn’t matter what your diet is if you swim in the ocean everyday. That’s how good earthing is for the human body.
But are there any dangers of grounding?
Earthing And Grounding Dangers
Grounding is essential to not electrocute yourself in your own home on accident, or destroy your appliances or electronics as well. You should hire an electrician to do the job. Stray electrical current can do a lot of damage.
Proper grounding means electrical currents end up in the ground and not in you or your electronics.
Wiring Your Home’s Electricity Is NOT a DIY Project
Because of the testing and severity of potential damage from doing it wrong, it’s highly recommended to hire a professional electrician.
When an electrical system is grounded, the currents are guided down a pathway to the ground so that they cannot make contact with people and sensitive electronic equipment.
Here is a tip I am pasting in from an electrician website that helps you see why you need a pro:
Metal water and gas pipes must be connected electrically to create a continuous low resistance path back to the main electrical panel. The grounding wire that runs from your electrical panel to grounding electrode helps even out voltage increases that often occur because of lightning and other causes.
Electrical Engineering Portal
I’ve heard that you shouldn’t ground your home because of a “return current.” But when looking into this, it seems this is only the case if a home is using a “single wire return current.”
This wire has not been in use in North American homes since like the 1970’s, and instead home’s today are already pre-equipped according to current code standard. This means home’s electrical systems are bonded and grounded already.
More Grounding Dangers
Be careful when earthing yourself if you take blood thinners, anti inflammatories or thyroid medication. Earthing is purely natural and safe, but if you have not been grounded for a long time, you never know. The amazing benefits from grounding could be too much good too soon, and it could mess with your meds. I wouldn’t worry about it, but it’s worth a disclaimer.
Another danger is simply FORGETTING to take your medication.
Earthing’s benefits are instant and noticeable. So much so that you may opt to stop taking your meds, or you may forget. Depending on your medication, this can be dangerous.
Don’t use grounding devices during thunderstorms.
Grounding in a HIGH EMF Environment
Just because your cell phone is in your pocket and you’re listening to a podcast or youtube video while walking in the early morning dew’d grass, it doesn’t mean that you’re not getting the benefits from grounding and the morning sun’s rays. We get vitamin D through our eyes and skin still.
And we still soak up electrons from the Earth. While EMF does make your electrons move fast in your insides, there is no charge in EMF and it can’t zap you. Some say that normal people with healthy bodies have natural shielding from the 2.4 gigahertz non ionizing radiation we get from most current wireless products.
2 More Sources Of Free Electrons
There are many ways you can absorb the free radical-fighting electrons and ions needed to stay healthy in today’s high-stress and EMF covered world. Here are two additional routes of absorption.
1. Solar Radiation
Solar radiation provides free electrons. Getting direct sunshine (without sunglasses and without glass between you and the sun rays) can give you some if you have access to a glass window you can open. I don’t know much about sun-gazing, and would tread very carefully if you’re thinking about it. I would not look at the sun, but I also would never wear sunglasses anymore (even after dealing with anterior uveitis).
2. Negatively Charged Air
A non-direct contact method of attaining extra free electrons and negative ions is to breathe-in negatively charged air. If you’re in an environment with lots of forest or near a body of water, seaside air or forest air is negatively charged and wonderful to breathe in.
Knowing Is More Than Half The Battle
If you know you need some negative ions, but you can’t get them, do not sweat it. The KNOWING part is the main battle to win and you’ve done it.
Now it’s just a matter of picking and choosing your best solutions, whether that be earthing and grounding products, specific lifestyle changes, or both.
And good job for knowing about this, because most don’t and still, many others will scoff.
Summary On Earthing
Earthing could be a key factor to a long and healthy life.
These electrical grounding products and techniques will help you receive grounding’s health benefits at times you can not get outside. Depending on your situation, products can be useful.
It’s necessary to ground now more than ever before and whatever it takes you should make that happen. If you’re electro-sensitive, and are suffering from poor health, then earthing and grounding may be a blessing for you. It will help calm you down and help bring the autonomic nervous system back under control. It will help heal your adrenals and help you combat EMF and other forms of electricity you’re extra sensitive too.
EMF and dirty electricity waves are deeply tied in with inflammation as we saw in this article. Inflammation always includes pain. Believe me, whether it’s an inflamed shoulder, back, or eye (Uveitis), earthing and grounding are some of the best anti inflammation practices available to us. Much better than ibuprofen or even turmeric. And they’re free. Assist your goals of reducing your bodily inflammation with earthing and grounding.
Another important electrical grounding benefit after anti-inflammation are the positive reactions from your autonomic nervous system and how you shift from sympathetic dominance (stressed out feeling, adrenals shot, etc.) to the parasympathetic dominance, almost instantly.

Do you have any go-to earthing techniques?
What about grounding yourself from the second story or above?
Do you use a ground rod or a grounding outlet?
We’d love to know more about your tactics!
Grounding & EMF Related Reads:
- This is an excellent article that explains the difference between bonding, grounding and earthing.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Sprouting Fam does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Sprouting Fam are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.
Next Natural Home Article: 5 Earthing Benefits You Get From Grounding
Last update on 2025-03-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
So glad that we have all the veggies from our Earth. All you have to do is enjoy!
Yes God’s Creation is a wonderful thing. A simple, small seed can become a beautiful tree. And we have so many uses from herbs, plants and vegetables, from food to medicine! It’s a shame herbal remedies are pushed under the rug for pharmaceuticals which are created based off an herb’s medicinal properties in the first place.
Hi Jon and lin
.I am an almost 90yearold lady. have been a passionate perennial flower gardener for many years. I am barefoot inside, and barefoot outside. daily. Is it healthy or unhealthy to earth on damp or wet ground?
Also can you refer me to an honest decent place to buy products for earthing….hopefully not too costly. Maybe a pad on my arthritic shoulder…maybe a mat for my computer, something for my bed.
Also very important how can I ground against possible mold indoors or in walls because of a past faulty garden sprinkle system?
Thank you so very much
Hello Esme, wow I just saw this comment! I came back to the article to update it and see how you commented a while back. How are you? Wow what a wonderful thing to be 90 years old. That’s amazing. I hope you were able to find some answers to these questions. As far as the mold, I don’t think earthing has anything to do with mold protection or avoidance.. And when grounding yourself, standing on grass with dew or damp grass is definitely the best way. Once again, apologies for replying to your comment so late. I hope everything is good with you. I’ve updated the post with some recommended products, so those should provide you some answers as well.
Amazing! Earthing and grounding seem relaxing, just by reading about them alone. I need to try this.
God’s creation is truly amazing.. us and nature, and how we need eachother!
Hi. So happy to find this blog. I started grounding ten days ago with a grounding mat. I have a question about checking your outlet if it is grounded. If you insert the tester and only the lights go on which are supposed to would that be enough to make sure that the outlet is grounded? Or do you still need an electrician to come and check?
Depending on the tester, if it passes then I’d imagine it’s good to go. But to be 100% positive, I’d really run it by an electrician.
Thanks for the education. Its a great topic. Im just starting building concrete homes and electrical engineering plans are ready for submittal. Ive spoke with my architect about using multiple grounding rods. He doesn’t really understand but is willing to learn. Do you think driving multiple grounding rods would add any more benefit. Any suggestions and resources you my be able to provide. Im also building the house like a faraday cage. Its 11 inch walls filled with 6” of concrete and steel and all roofing will have foil backing. SO looking for some next level grounding methods
Wow sounds like an epic build. I’d think 1 is enough, but I’m really not sure and couldn’t advise. On a side note though, we also have a concrete home, steel within and foil backing roof! I also got ethernet cables going out to the main rooms of the house to plug in direct to the internet. I will have to look into the ultimate grounding for a home. Today my son and I were in a mud fight after a rain so haven’t been too concerned personally, but this would be great to know for buildings yes. Thanks for commenting and sorry I can’t help. I’ll be looking into this though. And if you find out, would love to know as well. Cheers
Hi there anyone come up with some good info on this? I am about to build a house for my family as well and we sleep on mattresses on the floor no frames because it is much more comfortable and we sleep better this way, but how could we get the benefits of grounding while sleeping? What kind of material would our floors need to made out of? Add grounding rods to the foundation? Just interested in this.
First, thank you for your site. I am leery of the products out there, but I am looking for a quality grounding sheet so I can ground all night. Do you know of an effective brand, or would you recommend grounding pads instead? I would really appreciate your help.
Hi Nancy, the sheets are great and comfortable and I would think preferable over the mats for the comfortability factor. As far as brands, my main concern is if they are using organic cotton. You’ll find some with certified organic cotton and mixed the silver fiber. This brand with a weird name looks good and is well priced, https://sproutingfam.com/cuazccs, but I have not tried this one out. Can’t remember the brand name of our sheets we have since it’s not on the tag, but this brand looks alright as long as it’s truly certified organic cotton. Really appreciate you coming by and the comment!